Polozov group

About project

"Polozov seminars" continue a good tradition of discussing diverse Physics problems in a friendly informal atmosphere. The seminars were started in 2013 by a group of Belarusian State University alumni, who are currently involved in various areas of Physics and Engineering. The setting was named after Prof. Michael Polozov, who inspired many theoretical physicists during his long teaching career at Belarusian State University.

P.S. Sorry, Prof. Polozov, we didn't confirm this with you. We hope you kindly smile and support.

Permanent members

Vlad Stefanov - PhD (expected in 2020) in Quantum Optics.

Philip Speransky - PhD (expected in 2020) in Nuclear Energy

Alex Halavanau - PhD in Mathematical Physics (2015), PhD (2018) in Accelerator Physics. Interests: classical field theory, particle physics, non-linear dynamics, general relativity. inSPIRE profile

Ivan Rybak - PhD (2018) in Cosmology

Vladimir Khodygo - PhD (expected in 2020) in Nonlinear Biology; Current work summary in nonlinear acoustics: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1811.10850.pdf

Andrei Malinovsky - PhD (expected in 2020) in Heat and Mass Transfer Physics